Jethro Tull in Barcelona

 video82.jpg Grabado en el Palau Municipal d'Esports de Barcelona, el 8 de Abril de 1992.


1. Minstrel in the gallery /Cross-eyed Mary
2. Living in the past (instr.)
3. Rocks on the road
4. This is not love
5. Serenade to a cuckoo
6. Like a tall thin girl
7. The whistler (instr.)
8. White innocence
9. Kissing Willie
10. Said she was a dancer
11. Thick as a brick
12. Paparazzi (inst.)
13. Doctor to my disease
14. A new day yesterday / Bourée
15. Reasons for waiting / Look into the sun (instr.)
16. Farm on the freeway
17. Jump start
18. My Gog
19. Aqualung
20. Locomotive breath / Black sunday / Thick as a brick (reprise)