Newcastle 23-11-99

 video131.jpg Grabado en el City Hall, de Newcastle (Gran Bretaña), el 23 de Noviembre de 1999.


1. Intro
2. Steel monkey
3. For a thousand mothers
4. Serenade to a cuckoo
5. The witches promise
6. Spiral
7. Nothing is easy
8. Jeffrey goes to Liecester square
9. Fat man
10. AWOL
11. A new day yesterday
12. Martin's instrumental
13. Dot com
14. Boris dancing
15. Hunting girl
16. Hunt by numbers
17. My God
18. Passion jig
19. Locomotive breath
20. Band intro's
21. Aquadiddley / Aqualung
22. Living in the past
23. Instr. finale
24. Cheerio